What We Treat

Treating the Whole Person, Not Just the Symptoms

We at VillaRamadas have been treating clients with these and many other disorders. We have helped thousands of clients successfully return to a fully functioning way of life.

Through our own model of Change & Grow® and a multidisciplinary team we can offered tailor made programmes for your needs. We consider your specific disorder together with time constraints and insurance issues to develop a solution for you.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any concerns relating to your mental health and we can guide you through an initial consultation online or with one of our representatives in your country.

Alcoholism Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in our society. It is accompanied with a high level of Denial. Alcohol abuse is non-illegal and alcohol consumption is socially acceptable. Read More
Drug Addiction Street Drug usage is steadily increasing with new varieties available. This is often seen as a social issue. However at VillaRamadas we see that the addicted individual is suffering from a complex disease that has changed the functioning of the brain. It is not a lack of willpower. Read More
Prescription Medication It is estimated that in Europe prescription medication is abused to the level of cocaine and heroin together. Nearly 18 % of the population in some European countries have attmitted to some for of prescription medication abuse. Read More
Eating Disorders Are a confusing area to navigate for any family. The eating disorder may be well hidden and have many facets. The image of the skinny young girl is only just the tip of the iceberg. Read More
Anxiety Everybody has concerns over daily life. There are exams and presentations that cause anxiety. But what is normal? Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is the broadest type of anxiety. It is worrying about everyday thing large and small – too much. Read More
Depression Is a condition that many people experience through out their lives. The symptoms are a general loss of interest in daily activities, low self esteem, inability to concentrate, lack of energy and subdued moods. Read More
Trauma & Abuse The way in which an individual experiences an event and then what they tell themselves about it thereafter can have consequences for their long term mental health. Read More
Anger Is defined as an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage according to Charles Spielberger, PhD, a psychologist who specialises in the study of anger. Read More
Sex & Love Addictions Love addiction may be interlinked with Co-dependency. A person addicted to Love may have no experience of what love is. They fear rejection and pain but they pursue the emotion without care for consequences and behaviors. They are willing to accept destructive relationships. Read More
Co-dependency This is a completely learnt behaviour as it generally runs in families. It is learned through watching and imitating behaviour in the home. It is an emotional and behavioural disorder that presents itself as a relationship addiction. Often an individual will accept one-sided relationships that can be destructive or abusive. Read More
Gambling Addiction Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or ‘skill’ constitutes gambling. Read More
Behaviour Addictions The American Society of Addiction Medicine has defined the behavioral addictions as a behavior that elicits a change in the brain that produces the addictive cycle that is seen in the substance addictions. There becomes a “pathological pursuit of rewards”. Read More